Bean There, Done That, 2024. Ink, pastels, charcoal, and pigment stick on paper, 20 x 29 1/2 in.
Being someone who has moved around throughout my life, I felt compelled to visualize
movement by spreading ink in a curvilinear path. There are parts of the path that have splatters or
other shapes that represent points in my journey, and the blue color is indicative of the seas that
have been crossed. The yellow pastels and gold offer warmth to the piece and also provide the
highlights both literally and in that journey. By utilizing charcoal and a paint stick, the shade is
more prominent at the bottom. To create an illusion that it has a form and is floating, blue pastels
and charcoal were used for the shadow. The path is almost connected at the top, but the small
separation makes the journey open to change rather than becoming an endless loop over time.
There is more to life than a set path, and life would be more meaningful with adventure.