How to Make Batik, 2024. Artist book with set type, linoleum relief print, and serigraph, 6 x 6 x ¼ in.

This artist book is about how to make batik using a canting which is a tool traditionally used in making batik in Indonesia. The guide is based on personal experience with some research to ensure that the information is accurate.

For the cover, I screen-printed the title and a hand drawn pattern based on the mega mendung pattern from Cirebon, Indonesia. I hand drew the title and pattern by using drawing fluid directly on the screen. This emulates how batik is traditionally drawn on fabric with wax.

The text inside the book was set by hand and printed using the letterpress. The letterpress was also used when printing images carved into linoleum blocks. I bound the folios together using the drum leaf binding method and the cover is removable.